The internet has defended a father for kicking out his sister after she brought foods that contained gluten into his gluten-free kitchen.
Published to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole forum, a man under the anonymous username u/poorunfortunatgluten shared his story in order to receive opinions from the "AITA" community. The viral post has over 7,000 upvotes and 1,000 comments.
The original poster (OP) began his post by explaining that his daughter has severe celiac disease. Any cross-contamination can set her back and it took them years to get her properly diagnosed and treated. The OP wrote that she is underweight and has severe anxiety when it comes to food and will not eat if she feels unsafe.
The OP has two kitchens in his home—a full kitchen upstairs and a kitchenette in the basement. The kitchen has a strict gluten, dairy and seafood-free only food rule while the kitchenette in the basement contains foods with those ingredients.
Due to personal reasons, his sister and her kids moved in with the OP. They live in the rooms in the basement and have been told about the strict rule about the upstairs kitchen. Less than a week after she moved in, the OP found a box of pasta in the kitchen and reiterated the rule to her.
Weeks later, the OP's daughter came to him in a panic due to his sister making fried chicken in the upstairs kitchen. The sister was apologetic but complained that the kitchenette in the basement was "too small." To be safe, they threw away all the used pans and utensils and deep-cleaned the kitchen.
Now that the kitchen was no longer guaranteed to be 100 percent safe, his daughter regressed in therapy. They are working to help her feel safe again, but the OP is giving her takeout food from a local gluten-free restaurant until then.
"I get home, and my daughter is having the worst panic attack I have ever seen. My mom and sister were in the kitchen making an entire Sunday dinner. Spaghetti, mozzarella sticks, garlic bread, the works. I lost it. I ended up absolutely screaming at them that they were ruining my life and had threatened my daughter's life for the last time, and I had had it," he wrote.
"I threw all of the food out into the yard, and told my sister that if she really cared that little about her own niece's life, she could get the f**k out of my house. Now my mom is mad at me for kicking out my sister and her kids when they're vulnerable over 'a food allergy' but I don't care. She can even leave the kids here if she absolutely needs to, but I'm done with her. We have ONE rule. ONE," he continued.
His wife agrees with him but believes that he should give her one last chance since she will have nowhere else to go as his mom can't take her in.
Newsweek reached out to u/poorunfortunatgluten for comment.
Newsweek has published several articles regarding conflict with food including a mother who was dragged for calling a woman a "child abuser" for cooking her kid frozen food and how the internet slammed a sister for tossing $1,000 worth of food from her sibling's home.
As defined by the Mayo Clinic, celiac disease is an immune reaction to eating anything with gluten. Gluten is a protein that can be found in wheat, barley and rye. Eating gluten with celiac disease over time can damage the small intestine's lining and prevents the body from absorbing certain nutrients. This type of damage can cause diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, bloating and anemia. It could also lead to other serious complications.
Some foods that a person with celiac disease should avoid—unless a doctor states otherwise—include beer, bread, many types of candy, cakes, pies, cereal, cookies, pasta, oats, many salad dressings and many soups, per
A doctor will diagnose a person with celiac disease by looking at data including one's family and medical history. They can also diagnose someone by performing blood tests and biopsies of the skin and small intestines, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
"[Not the a**hole]. She may pick a direction and f**k off in it. How dare she stay in your home and risk your child's health," u/CrystalQueen3000 exclaimed, receiving over 15,000 upvotes for their comment.
"[Not the a**hole]. Your daughter has a severe allergy and you explained this to your sister who seems to not actually understand the consequences of her actions. First time, okay fine she forgot. Second time okay...I guess but the kitchenette being too small is a bad excuse. THE THIRD TIME SHE COOKS AN ENTIRE GLUTEN HEAVY DINNER WITH DAIRY; you are within your rights to lose it and kick them out. Three strikes and your out. It's your house, your rules. If they can't follow them then they can find somewhere else to live," u/DesignerAsh_ wrote.
U/TinyRascalSaurus said, "[Not the a**hole]. If a gluten intolerant person eats anything containing it, it can permanently damage their intestines. Even trace amounts can do damage. Your sister was putting your daughter at risk of medical harm. She knew the rules. She knew your daughter's safety was at stake. She chose to repeatedly disregard the rules anyways."
"[Not the a**hole], You explained the situation clearly and she chose to ignore it, in the last instance quite badly. She has to understand that your family is absolutely number 1, and for non trivial reasons. she is now in a very bad position, but she's a big girl now, and consequences arise from your actions. There has to be a point where you just say, 'ok, that's it - we're done here,' u/bobbypet commented.
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