Paprika adds smoky flavor to these veggie enchiladas | Food And Drink |

2022-09-17 02:40:14 By : Ms. Lisa Huang

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Smoky vegetarian enchiladas. (Linda Gassenheimer/TNS)

Smoky vegetarian enchiladas. (Linda Gassenheimer/TNS)

I wanted to make this enchilada dinner in a hurry without having to wait for my oven to preheat or to cook the filling ingredients. The answer was my microwave. It cooked the filling ingredients, then warmed the tortillas and, finally, cooked the entire enchilada dish. Another plus: No pots to wash. When the meal was over, all the dishes went into the dishwasher.

Smoked paprika gives the enchiladas a smoky flavor. In case you don’t have a microwave, I’ve given oven cooking information.

• To cut preparation time, buy fresh diced onion and green bell pepper from the produce department, or use frozen diced onion and green pepper.

• Microwave ovens have different powers. You may need one or two minutes more for each step.

• You can use any type of Mexican-style cheese.

• You can use any type of pasta sauce.

1 cup diced green bell pepper

1 cup canned reduced-sodium black beans, washed and drained

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1½ -cups pasta sauce, divided use

1 cup low-fat shredded Monterey Jack cheese, divided use

4 8-inch light whole wheat flour tortillas

Add onion, green bell pepper, and garlic to a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high 5 minutes. Remove and add black beans, ground cumin, smoked paprika, and salt and pepper to taste to the bowl. Mix in ½ cup pasta sauce and ½ cup cheese.

Wrap tortillas in a damp paper towel and microwave on high 30 seconds to soften them. Place them on a countertop and divide the vegetable mixture into 4 parts. Add the mixture to the center of each tortilla. Top each mixture with ¼ cup arugula leaves.

Roll the tortillas up and place in a microwave-safe dish, seam side down. Spoon the remaining 1 cup sauce over the tortillas. Sprinkle the remaining cheese over the sauce.

Place the dish in the microwave for 3 minutes. The cheese will be melted, and the tortillas warmed through. Microwave another minute if needed.

Stovetop and oven method: Sauté onion and green bell pepper in a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat 5 minutes or until they are softened and onions are golden. Complete assembling the recipe and place in a 350-degree preheated oven for 15 minutes.

Per serving: 600 calories (30% from fat), 20.3 g fat (9.8 g saturated, 4.3 g monounsaturated), 40 mg cholesterol, 33.4 g protein, 77.1 g carbohydrates, 18.7 g fiber, 818 mg sodium.

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