I didn’t tell the Trader Joe’s crew member who rang me up that I was planning to air fry just about everything in my cart. Still, he picked up the Thai Banana Fritters and said, “Definitely air fry these.”
Air frying was, well, in the air. Trader Joe’s has (blessedly) started including air fryer instructions on some of its frozen stuff, and people were noting it. As I followed the lazy river current that is the shopping line in the frozen aisle, I heard a mother say the same thing to her grown daughter about 1,000 times. “Get this and air fry it; that’ll be healthy.”
Ah, “healthy.” When I got my air fryer , I was sure I would use it to unlock ultimate health status by air frying low-oil homemade fries and bunches of broccoli. To be clear, air fried broccoli is delicious. But the air fryer’s true talent is cooking frozen foods so they end up closer to the fried restaurant version of themselves. And no one is better at selling frozen foods that evoke the idea of restaurants than Trader Joe’s. Sure, we stayed in to watch SVU, but we have these pretty delicious samosas, so it’s like a whisper of a night out, right?
I love whispers of nights out (and watching SVU), so in the interest of planning future nights in, I grabbed whatever I could from the frozen aisle lazy river and air fried it all. Here’s what I found.
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Arepas are a big “Nope!” from me. I used the pizza setting on my air fryer and let it go the whole time. The arepa cooked, but the corn patty became tough and all-around not good. The arepa didn’t deserve this. I should’ve pan-fried in butter like the box told me to.
The arepas were actually the only one I thought the air fryer was really a bad fit for. Some honorable mentions in the “good” column: